Day 49 of 75

Here comes 50!

I’m getting there and it’s getting easy and hard.

My family decided that they (meaning my wife) wants to come on walks in the morning with the dog again. I should be happy, but the wife takes for ever and then the kid complains, the dog poops, and we go really slow. My average time was getting below 18:30 and this morning we walked at almost 22:00 miles… It was pretty sad.

I guess the grass is always greener. My kid promises that if I buy a treadmill for him he’ll workout on it. I don’t have a place for it unless I get rid of one of my wife’s things and she will not go for that. Maybe it will fit in the office. I wouldn’t mind having one for when the challenge is over. I’d like to walk and read on it just to keep going instead of just sitting.

I am thankful that I set the example for my wife and she has been quietly monitoring her food intake and rolling it back a little. She lost a couple pounds last week and is really excited. I’m excited for her and love the fact that I’m making myself a better person and she is following my example. So making myself better will make the world a better place, because she has way more potential to make the world better then I do… at least right now. Maybe I’ll catch her, but hope not. She’s that good.

Food is still going easy. I will keep this diet even after the 75 hard is done.

Reading was harder this morning starting a new book. I don’t know why, but it was a slog through all of 10 pages. I’ll have to work on that and make it better. Normally I’m super excited about starting a new book, today not so much. But I’ll finish this book around the end of the challenge and keep going. I’ve actually started a second book that has to do with military and civilian tactics for gun fighting for my side hustle. I’m going to read 10 pages a day there too and then start doing a book review on my website once a month or so to keep people interested, give me more content and maybe push some traffic to Amazon to make a couple bucks on book sales. People do ask me a lot on what book they should read and this may help everyone. Always looking for extra side hustle income. If I had the perfect life my side hustle would be my job.

Water is easy and I drank almost a gallon and a half yesterday. Now that it’s getting hotter my body wants more then a gallon a day. So that will be easy to keep going after the challenge is over.

Pics are Pics. Here is Day 1 verses Day 49

The photos don’t look that much different but I feel different, so I’ll just keep going.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam