Day 50 of 75 Hard

It’s Day 50 and I’m still going strong! Little celebration there. I’m looking forward to being off the challenge more to redo my workout then anything else.

My shoulder is killing me in the gym and I think it’s over training that is getting me there. So I might have to step back a little for the gym. I’m doing a kind of body builder split instead of a power lifter and hoping that will help. But last night when I did shoulders instead of heavy shoulder press it still hurt. So I’ll go with this split another could weeks and then see how that goes. Hopefully with less weight and little more volume I’ll be able to keep from getting a really bad overtraining injury. I’m just looking for not stopping my gym work.

Water is easy, still drinking more then I need, and food was hard this morning. I left the house hungry to take the dog to the groomer. I drove by all these places with great food that I can’t eat, donuts, burgers, and candy. I wanted to stop so bad, but didn’t. I came home and made some bacon and eggs and now feeling much better. Pro tip I just learned, don’t leave the house hungry. It was almost the end of my challenge. And now it’s something I know about myself that will make me better in the future.

I plug along with reading. The new book isn’t as enjoyable yet as the old one, but I’ll keep reading it until I get done and then go to something else. I think it’s a mental game. I’m reading this one on the iPad Kindle app and the page numbers don’t always change when you turn the page. So I’ll actually turn the iPad page 15 to 18 times before the number on the bottom reads 10 pages. So that just seems to be playing with my head. Maybe I’ll have to go back to dead tree versions of what I read so that I can keep motivated. At this point the dead tree version and the kindle versions are almost the same price and shipping is free through Amazon Prime, I think the next book I read will be dead tree again.

Pictures are still going. It’s an easy way to go. Just do a picture after workout before shower, unless my wife interrupts like this morning. So I’ll just do it this afternoon when I get home from the gym.


75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam