Day 50 of 75 Hard Challenge Round 2

Today I’m starting early. I’ve done everything early so I can get on the road to a seminar tonight for my side hustle. It’s all about being an instructor.

But to do stuff like this, have a family, normal job, and side hustle, as well as doing the 75 Hard Challenge something has to give. Things have to be prioritized and executed. That is becoming my new favorite saying after finishing the book “Discipline Equals Freedom” by Jocko Willink.

If you are looking for a great book to read during your challenge, read Discipline Equals Freedom. It’s fast and motivational and will give you workouts in the appendix to do if you don’t know where to start on anything. Best part of the book is that it is an easy read. Lots of it are set up like poetry in that there is one short sentence per line so the pages flip fast. Then the book creates that motivation in you every day that you want to do a little more. If you did everything in the book, this challenge would be super easy. Go read it.

So are you prioritizing and executing in your own life? You may say you can’t do the challenge because you have too much work to do. Who gives a shit about that besides you? Look at the most important people in your life. Find out what they think your biggest priorities should be.

Yes your boss will be upset when he/she learns they are not the most important and highest priority in your life. Just balance that. When you are at work, that should be your priority. When you are at home, you and your family should be your biggest priority. Notice I said “you”.

Don’t forget about yourself. You need to take care of your self. You need to make yourself grow or you can’t make others grow.

Fill your own cup first and then give everything you have left to others. It’s an easy way to prioritize your life. If you took 75 days and did the challenge that would only take you a couple hours per day, then you would have everything else to give to your work, your family, and the ones you want to improve.

Get out there.
Do the Challenge.
Make yourself better,
And make the world a better place.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam