Day 51 of 75 Hard Challenge Round 2

Today is day 51 already and I can’t believe it. Am I as far as I want to be… no. But I’m still moving forward and will not give up until I’m done.

As part of my challenge I listened to the book Miracle Equation by Hal Elrod. The book has a simple premiss, unwavering faith plus extraordinary effort and you can create your own miracles. I took a little extra with that equation and it’s over time. All his examples in the book except one, he gave himself and so did others a time limit, and most of it didn’t happen until the last second. So I’m working on this challenge until the last second, or all the way through the 75 days no matter what the outcome looks like right now.

I wanted to improve 2 areas of life on this challenge; fitness and content generation. Well I’m not doing badly with content generation (it could be better), but still doing better then I did before. But the fitness one I’m looking at and cringing.

I’ve stayed on the diet, and it’s painful. I’ve gone to the gym and worked out everyday and that’s painful too.

What do the numbers say…

Weight loss – 10.4 pounds
Body Fat – Went no where, still the same (can’t make this number move for some reason
Gym – Down on all my lifts because of injuries x2.

The amount I had to work for that 10 pounds seems astronomical! But it took me about a year to put on those 10 pounds so I shouldn’t be that sad, right? And the scale is going the right way. As long as it keeps heading down I’ll be good. After the challenge I’m going to change my workouts again and see how that goes. As long as I don’t get injured again I’ll be good.

By the end of the year I still hope to sign up for a power lifting competition someplace.

So just having a wow is me day when I looked at the scale numbers. I just need to keep pushing forward hard.

And like the book, Miracle Equation, just keep putting in that extraordinary effort until that miracle happens. At this point the miracle would be full class on my other side hustle and getting back into Marine Corps fighting shape.

I’ll get there it’s just painful and slow.

But do you want to jump start your growth? Do the 75 Hard Challenge. Five simple things for 75 days will change your life:

  1. Perfect Diet
  2. Workout 2 Times per day
  3. Drink a Gallon of Water per day
  4. Read 10 Pages from a Self Improvement book every day
  5. Take a progress Picture Every Day

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam