Day 58 of 75 Hard

Everything is a challenge. I’m trying to get my internet bill back to where it was. Of course I ran out of my first 12 months and they just raise the rate to whatever they say the rate should be. I’m not a fan. So I’m on hold to get them to change it and of course the first person wouldn’t do it so now I have to wait a long time for them to change it…. yuck. Little life problems that get in the way of my life goals.

Believe it or not this little thing effects one of my life’s goals. I want to be out of debt (again). So $25 a month will have to stop going to credit card bills and start going to Spectrum. Not a fan. So everything in life is a challenge. It takes a little grit and persistence to get through one way or the other. The worst that will happen is I’ll cancel Spectrum and get AT&T for the internet. It takes time, but it will only take a couple hours to save.

But after only 19 minutes on the phone I my bill is now back down $20 a month. So I agreed to pay an extra $5 a month for my service instead of $25 dollars more. Not bad for being on the phone for 20 minutes.

During the phone call I was able to stay calm and rational, be nice, and ask questions inquisitively. In the past I would have been mad, winey, and ask accusatory questions. I think this challenge is teaching me patience too!

I continue to get better at life as I grow into a better person. Doing this challenge is just making me better, and instead of yelling at the poor person at the help center in Spectrum I was able to talk to her and make a personal connection over the rain they have been having the last month and how her home is close to the river that keeps rising. By doing that I’m hoping I made her day a little better.

I will keep going on this journey of the 75 Hard Challenge, and once it ends I will continue to become a better person. And I will probably redo the challenge once every 18 months or so just to try and kick start me growing as a person again.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam

P.S. What about you? Are you doing the challenge? If so why, if not why not?
Leave a comment below and let me know, I’d love to know how you are doing.