Day 59 of 75 Hard

The end is within sight! 16 days and a wake up. Not that I can’t wait to be done, it’s that I can’t wait to accomplish the goal.

I’ve been working on this for two months and now I’m almost there. No mistakes at this point is my only worry. Things happen during the day and I need to stay on track to get things done. I’m still planning days out. Like yesterday night my plans for the weekend had to change and now that includes making another overnight trip. But I planned the trip around my workouts. I’ve got food on the road licked I just have to pay attention to it to continue to win.

I’m feeling good today because I saw a couple people I haven’t talked to in a couple months and both said I’m looking thinner. That is always helpful.

Today, just bring on the challenge. I want to go to the gym tonight and then be on the road late for the hotel. I get my workout in before I leave so I can’t get to the hotel and say I’m too tired to work out and skip it. Easy, put the big rocks in first. 75 Hard is my big rocks for the day.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam