Day 62 of 75 Hard Round 3

Lisa here with day 62 of 75 Hard Round 3. The end so close I can taste it. okay maybe not taste, but I can actually see them end.

Today I took a sort of me day. I ran several errands, spent some time wondering the mall and the craft store. I did get a ton accomplished today, really I did. I also got time to shop without my kid or husband telling me I am taking too long. Basically it was wonderful, minus the fact that it isn’t even Thanksgiving for over a week and the stores are already totally crazy.

I got plenty of steps in today, though my Fitbit didn’t track them all. If I’m pushing a cart or carrying things my Fitbit doesn’t track my steps. It’s super frustrating. I realize this is a first world problem, but it’s still annoying.

I got a new water bottle today too. I love my Yeti cup, but I like using a straw and when I just a straw there is no way to close my cup so it doesn’t leak. it also doesn’t have a handle. On multiple occasions I have spilled my water trying to carry my Yeti and other things. I’m loving my new water cup so far. Here’s commissioned link if you want to check the simple modern water bottles out. They have a ton of different colors to choose from. I got the pink and blue 40oz one. They have plenty of manly colors too, including woodgrain.

How was your 75 hard today? Did you conquer like a beast or did your struggle to get through the day?