Day 63 of 75 Hard Round 3

Getting towards the end! And I’m getting excited and starting to add new things.

I’ve been doing the Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod on and off for years and I picked it up this morning again and it was a great way to start the day.

The book outlines it, but my routine is just to follow his SAVERS acronym of doing things: Silence (meditate), Affirmations, Visualize the day, Exercise, Read, and Scribe (journal).

Easy and it took me about an hour this morning. I’m learning to meditate, so I only do that for 2 minutes. My affirmations are easy; I am Happy, Dependable, Productive. Those are the three words I want to be known for. I visualize what I want to get done for the day and see myself in fast-forward doing it. My exercise for the morning is stretching. I hate doing it, but always feel better when I do.

Most of my time I took reading this morning. I’m working on a couple books and like to read my RSS feed of things coming in everyday. After that I wrote everything down using the Best Self Journal and the Five Minute Journal. Some of the two is redundant, but I could use the extra gratitude practice to make myself happier.

I’m still recovering from surgery and it still sucks to be less then 100%. I just need to keep going. I walked with the family today, did 2 social media posts, drank a gallon of water, and set my day. I did my 75 Hard Challenge even while recovering from a surgery. What’s you reason for not doing it?

I’ll keep going on my journey to 75 days no matter what. And I’ll enjoy it. Because I will be Happy, Dependable (to myself and others), and Productive.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam