Day 63 of 75 Hard Challenge Round 2

Today is way better then yesterday.

My family is away for vacation, so that gives me lots of extra time to work. I hoping to get tons of things done this week while they are gone.

Today started with catching up from yesterday and then starting today late.

But I spent a lot of time with the kid before he left.

Had a good workout and am now back on track for my 75 Hard Challenge.

I plan on finishing strong.

What would you have done if you where me? I hope you wouldn’t have messed it up… but if you did what would you do?

These are the questions that can haunt us all.

We have those three choices; quit, restart, or keep going. Which one do you chose when times go bad and things get messed up?

Plan it now. It’s something that I’ve learned from the Military and self defense world. If you plan for things now it will make it easier when it happens.

In the Marine Corps we use to do sand table walk throughs of different battles and do situational questions that would make you think. I loved doing all those because you could get really creative and go through things when there is time to think.

In the Self Defense World I teach people to play the “What If” game. As you see things, put your self there and say “what if.” Then what would you do.

I need to what if my habits and find those triggers that I can change. I need to do sand table walk throughs on my shopping so that I’m not tempted to buy crap at the store late at night.

Will you make that decision right now. What will you do when things go side-ways and crash and burn. Will you restart the project or goal? Will you keep going because you maybe you can save it? Or will you just give up?

I read the book The Miracle Equation by Hal Elrod. I think he maybe one of the greatest motivational writers of our time. He also wrote the book Miracle Morning and that’s how I start my day everyday. It’s part of my current challenge.

The greatest take away I have of The Miracle Equation is the 5 Minute rule. When things went bad in his life, he gave himself five minutes to rant, rage, be pissed, and scream. He set a timer on his watch and then went for it. After a while he didn’t need all five minutes. I took the rule, and it’s in the front cover of my journal. I’ve copied it there three times now as the journal gets used up and I get another one.

Think and decide now, what will you do the next time something goes wrong.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam