Day 64 of 75 Hard Challenge Round 2

Yesterday I messed up my days. Today is actually 64. So I have 11 days to go.

Sometimes it’s just a day. And that’s what today was.

I did get things done for work and life. And I got to watch a movie. Sometimes it’s the simple things.

Yes I could take that time and just get more work done, but I got my todo list done early because I started early.

Tomorrow will be more work and more challenge. I’m hoping to get all of the things done. I have to go to the field early and be back on time. It should be easy and it should be just enough challenge to keep me going.

So even on the easy days, do you keep your life moving forward? Did you get things done that are important, but not urgent?

Can you get the small important things that aren’t urgent done everyday? Normally we spend our time on what ever is urgent in the moment and neglect the future.

How much of your day was spent on things that where important but not urgent? Those are normally the things that make great lives.

Do the challenge. The 5 things on the list are important, but not urgent.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam