Day 64 of 75 Hard Round 3

Just for laughs I saw this truck today. Notice anything interesting in the back?

Lisa back again with Day 64 of 75 Hard Round 3. I had one of those days where I got a bunch of work done, but it was all computer type work so I didn’t take all that many steps. I took a walk this evening, but even with that I only have about 5,000 steps for the whole day. Not exactly the best.

I drank all my water today before 9 pm! Getting that whole gallon is such a struggle for me every day, but it is getting a bit easier. My new water bottle is helping too. Sometimes the right tools make all the difference.

Most of my 75 hard goals seem to be becoming habits now which is pretty amazing. I have to say having the accountability of the challenge and posting there is truly helpful. That’s why the 75 Hard challenge has you take a picture every day, yes its to see the progress, but it’s also for accountability.

When the 75 Hard Challenge is over how are you going to stay accountable to your changes?