Day 65 of 75 Hard Challenge Round 2

Up in the morning with the rising sun…

Yes, one of the worst running chants in the military. But true for me. I got up with the sun this morning and started after it. And I got more done and had time to relax and play.

So even though I can do work in the evening, I feel so much better when I do things in the morning. I get my todo list to done as early as possible and then have the rest of the day.

I’m really learning this because with my family out of town my schedule is up in the air and I wanted to get things done this morning so I could go to the range and have some fun with a friend who got one of the new hot guns on the market and was going to let me shoot it.

So off to the range I went after a full day of work.

Then I got some more work on a podcast done, and then I could relax.

It was a good day. I even got a swim in this afternoon after being at the range.

Tomorrow I’ve got a tone of things to do. I’ll be up before the sun again and working to get things done before the time comes when I need to.

Lots of things for my real job needs to get done tomorrow and then things for my side hustle, and the list continues for ever.

But I’ll get up and get after it.

What about you? Can you get what needs to be done plus those things that will make you better? Can you make sure those important and not urgent things that make you better get done as well as what needs to get done?

The 75 Hard Challenge will help you put those things in focus. All you have to do is those five simple things for 75 days and you’ll have a new outlook on life.

Are you ready?

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam