Day 7 of 75 Hard Round 3

Day 7 is ending and I’m tired. But I got everything done… including a long day at work.

Just finishing up my water and my schedule… that I’m close to. I’m about 20 minutes behind starting this post because my social media marketing guy that is doing some work for me on my other side hustle called and needed some info, pictures, and questions answered so he could run an ad series for me to hopefully get some sign ups to my upcoming courses. You can see my other side hustle about firearms self defense here.

Last 2 days have been a hustle. Tomorrow will be another really long day with work and my five things. But I’ve got my plan.

I’ll go to the gym, snap in, post to social media, and set my day before I leave. I’ll drink water on the road and outline a post to write while I’m at work. Then write the post tomorrow night.

Should all be done, but will be a late night going round trip to Houston.

I’m looking forward to days that are busy where I have to schedule my day. It puts me in a groove so that I get things done. By the end of the day I’m tired, but feel great after getting all of the things done.

I know I complain about being busy, but at the end of the day, I feel so much better when I had a hard day and got lots done over days that where easy and I didn’t get much done.

I’m coming to realize that maybe the secret to life. If I can put my head on the pillow every night and feel good about what I accomplished that day, I can live a long and fulfilled life.

So that’s what I’m working on for this challenge. Can I turn this idea of 75 Hard into a long fulfilling life where I accomplish great things?

The more I do the challenge, the more I think the challenge is the secret to all of the things I was missing in life. It helps me set short term goals that will accomplish long term goals. It makes me want to do more all the time, and it keeps me focused down onto tasks that I can complete today to make my life great and accomplish my life goals.

Maybe you have an easier way to accomplish your life goals and don’t need the challenge, but it’s helping me. And if you aren’t accomplishing all the goals you want, this challenge can help you too.

Start with the original challenge for 75 days! Do the five simple things every day:

  1. Read 10 Pages out of a self improvement book
  2. Do 2 workouts, 1 outside, both at least 45 minutes
  3. Do a perfect diet, you pick the diet but do it
  4. Drink 1 Gallon of Water
  5. Take a progress picture

Once you have accomplished the original challenge then you can set different challenges for yourself that focus on the parts of life you want to fix.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam