Day 6 of 75 Hard Round 3

Today was hard. Nothing super terrible happened, just a bunch of little things that threw me off my schedule.

The day started with me waking up to cramps. Nothing like waking up in pain to start your day off right. Now the smart thing foe me to do would have been to drink some water, take some meds and move on with my day. However it was rainy, and Saturday, so I choose to take some meds and snuggle under my covers for a bit. I had planned on relaxing this morning so this wasn’t totally out of my schedule, but my day just went off track from there.

After dealing with fixing my son’s computer issues for hours and forgetting to eat or drink, it was noon before I had more than a few sips of water. Oops. I really need to get better about drinking in the am, so I’m not drinking so much late at night.

After lunch I got the rest of my schedule and 75 hard done (except the water) thanks to my hubby’s encouragement. He got me off my butt and doing a workout. I saw how much these challenges have changed him and I don’t want to be the reason he doesn’t make it. So, I did some pilates and realized that it’s been way too long since I’ve used a lot of those muscles. I’m going to be sore tomorrow for sure. It’s worth it though.

Just remember that you CAN do this. If I can anyone can.