Day 7 of 75 Hard

I woke up late again today. Sleep continues to be a challenge. I really thought my sleep would get better after working out twice a day so I would be so tired I just crashed, but not yet. I’m still pushing.

I did get up and go for a walk today and then had to work the real job for a couple hours and am now doing this.

I am behind in drinking water. It’s almost noon and I’ve only had a couple drinks…. hold on chug some water right now.

Breakfast was rushed and missed my post walk meal because I had to get to work, but now I’m getting back to everything I need to do to improve me. And that is the challenge, to put myself first and make me better not my job or my company.

I’m still working hard, and this morning was a lot of hard work for my company, but myself is the focus. And it is incredible when you set a good example people follow you. My wife got up and tried to get the walk started at the right time with the family. We where only a couple minutes late.

I just finished my morning routine at noon and now am ready for the rest of the day.

My leg hurts a little on my left side. I’m stretching a lot but I can tell it’s overtraining, but I’m going to keep going. As long as I’m just hurting and not broken, I will continue (and even if I’m broken, I’ll find another way to do workouts if I can’t walk). I will finish this 75 days no matter what.

I’ve defiantly got the Marine inside me talking to me again and I like it. 75 Hard is my mission, and I will complete my mission or die trying. We all say that, but it was explained by a drill instructor to me in week 3 of Boot Camp. You’re body will tell you that it is finished long before it is. Your muscles have no will power, so when they get tired they are done. Your mind can push through and make your body do incredible things. And when your body and mind are truly done, you’ll know it because you will pass out. That’s when you have truly pushed your body past what it can do.

I’m a long ways from passing out from the effort of 75 Hard, but have the goal in site. I will either complete this challenge physically or end up in the hospital… even then I would walk around the ward twice a day and then escape once a day to outside to get my 2 workouts in a per day.

75 Hard I will Conquer,

Ben Branam

2 Replies to “Day 7 of 75 Hard”

    1. Thanks Michael! Let me know how you guys do. It’s hard to start but getting better everyday.

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