Day 70 of 75 Hard Round 3

Lisa here with Day 70 of 75 Round 3. I am tired and have a headache today. We went camping with Scouts BSA this weekend to checkout a troop for the kid when he bridges out of Cub Scouts in a few months. We had a lot of fun. They did a flag ceremony to retire old flags that was nice and oh so long. They’d been collecting flags for a year and had an enormous pile to get through.

Basically, I didn’t want to do anything after we got home today. I forced myself to take a walk with the dog and the kid because I knew it was good for us and I committed to doing a workout every day. I survived and did it so that’s what counts. lol I’m also writing this post because it’s part of the challenge. It’s funny, two days ago I was saying how most of this had become a habit and then today I’m feeling bad and I’m totally over it all. Thank goodness for the 75 Hard challenge keeping me on track even when I don’t want to do it.

As great as I had been with my water today I’ve been having to power through it. I know that water can help with a headache, but drinking it has still been difficult for me today. I have a whole bottle left to drink and I just want to go to sleep. I’ll do it though.

I’m not giving up. I’ve come this far. 70 days is to far to give up because of a headache.