Day 72 of 75 Hard Round 3

Lisa here with day 72 of 75 Hard round 3. Just 3 more days and I’m done!

Today was gorgeous and my two day headache was gone, so I got in far more activity that I did the last couple of days. I also got back to my usual walk while we were at my son’s park group. It felt great too be more active again. Actually all of my 75 hard challenge had gone well today and been pretty easy. I love those days.

I’ve been thinking a bit about what I’m going to do when my 75 hard challenge is over. Ben thinks we should do another challenge and incorporate diet into in again. The biggest problem with that is we’ve never been able to really agree on a diet plan. I feel best when I eat paleo, but that’s pretty hard to sustain perfectly for 75 days, especially during Christmas season. My husband prefers diets that involve cheese. Having all that cheese in my house make it much harder for me to avoid it though. We definitely need to talk about whatever we decide to do and get on the same page.

What’s your plan for after your 75 hard? You know what they say? A failure to plan is a plan to fail. Lets finish strong and keep going.