Day 48 of 75 Hard Round 3

Eek! It’s already day 48! It’s Lisa back again with my day 48 of 75 Hard update. My main goal right now is remembering to work out as soon as I’m done posting this. It’s 9:30 at night so I’ll be doing Pilates tonight instead of taking a walk in the dark. Yesterday we took a family walk and the weather was absolutely perfect.

The reason it’s late and I’m just getting to my work out is that I left a block of blank space on my planner today. Basically I only scheduled my two work events and not my workout or content posting. oops.

I talked a bit on my last podcast about enneagram. Well today my friend sent me a link to descriptions of each type and I’ve never felt so seen by a personality test. It seriously says that I am drained by strict schedules or limits and unnecessary routine and pattern. This is me! This is truly why I leave space in my day, even it its a half hour hear and there. I NEED the freedom. Anyone else with me?